MUSI3040 Electroacoustic Music
Course Type: disciplinary elective for music majors/minors, free elective for others
Prerequisite: MUSI2085 or instructor’s consent
Instructor: Dr. Vanissa LAW
Semester: First Semester 2021/22
Time: 10:30am-12:20pm, Thursday
Venue: CPD-LG1.22/LG1.21 Rehearsal Room & Electroacoustic Studio
This course explores both historical and current creative approaches in electroacoustic music through a variety of research and composition projects. Composers, repertoires, techniques, stylistic and aesthetic trends from approximately 1900 to present will be covered.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
  • demonstrate an understanding of the historical and aesthetic aspect of electroacoustic music;
  • demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge of electroacoustic music to own compositions.
Presentations (EAM composers and repertoire) 10%
In-class Quizzes 10%
Composition (fixed media) 35%
Programming exercises (MINI-MAX patch) 10%
Composition (Interactive, live performance) 35%
  • review of digital audio basics
  • history of electroacoustic music
  • EAM before 1950: prominent electroacoustic music composers and their music
  • EAM after 1950: prominent electroacoustic music composers and their music
  • digital revolution and interactivity: evolution of controllers and systems
  • a new form: laptop orchestra
  • algorithmic compositions and generative art
  • programming for interactive sound: MIDI and MAX basics
  • programming for interactive sound: MSP basics
  • programming for interactive visuals: Jitter
  • sound art
  • the NIME (new interfaces for music expressions) community
  • Peter Manning, Electronic and Computer Music.
  • David Sonnenschein, Sound Design.
  • Christoph Cox & Daniel Warner, ed., Audio Culture: Readings in Modern Music.
  • Mark Katz, Capturing Sound: How Technology Has Changed Music.
  • Seth Kim-Cohen, In the Blink of an Ear: Toward a Non-cochlear Sonic Art.
  • Salomé Voegelin, Listening to Noise and Silence: Towards a Philosophy of Sound Art.