Welcome  to the Department of Music at the University of Hong Kong. Founded in 1981, the Department of Music is part of the School of Humanities in the Faculty of Arts and is affiliated with The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. The Department is a happening place, providing a culturally enriching environment for immersive learning. We provide an integrated learning experience in music second to none in the region. Joining us will connect you with the wider world of musicology.

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HKU Doming Lam Composition Prize

Dr. Doming Lam

The Music Department is pleased to announce the inaugural edition of the HKU Doming Lam Composition Prize, an annual contest aimed at recognising the budding compositional talents at HKU. In addition to a cash prize, recipients of the award will have the opportunity to compose a new work for the HKU Chamber Singers under the supervision of the Department's composition faculty members and invited guest musicians. The new works will be featured at the Department's annual Performance Showcase concert at Loke Yew Hall.

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10 JANUARY 2025
Apparition, directed by Giorgio BIANCOROSSO, released on social media channels. On January 17th, the 4K version of the film will be premiered as part of the launch of HKU's Arts Tech Lab.
13 November 2024
Angus LEE's (PhD Composition, assistant lecturer) new work, ... aux cendres [study II for orchestra], was commissioned and premièred by the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra under Elim Chan.

His Rage Over Lost Time (2020), commissioned by the Cornell University Center for Historical Keyboards as part of the Beethoven and Pianos: Off the Beaten Path festival 2020, was recorded by the piano duo HereNowHear (Ryan MacEvoy McCullough and Andrew Zhou) in the album sedgeflowers | MANTRA, released by False Azure Records.
13 November 2024
Professor Daniel CHUA's 2022 book, Alien listening: Voyager’s golden record and music from Earth, co-authored with Alexander Rehding, won the Wallace Berry Award at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society of Music Theory.
9 November 2024
Jing WANG's (PhD Composition) new work, Foggy Hills (for voice, harp and violin), was premièred by Klangforum Wien at outHear New Music Week in Larissa, Greece.
20 OCTOBER 2024
Undergraduate students Mr. Charles LEE Gai-ho and Mr. Jonathan FRICHOT have been nominated as prize laureates of the HKU Doming Lam Composition Prize 2024-25. They will be developing two new compositions throughout the academic year, to be premièred in April 2026 by HKU Chamber Singers and the chamber chorus NOĒMA.
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Research Colloquia

Blurring Boundaries: The Intersection of Music, AI, and New Media
Davor VINCZE (Hong Kong Baptist University)

Seminar Room 11.01, 11/F Run Run Shaw Tower, HKU

Niu Niu

Upcoming Concerts

Niu Niu & HK Phil String Quintet

Grand Hall, Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre, Centennial Campus, HKU

Niu Niu

Music Scholarship Scheme 2025/26

JUPAS/Non-JUPAS/Mainland candidates who would like to be considered for admission under the Music Scholarship Scheme have to submit their application before January 15, 2025 (Hong Kong Time).

The online application requires you to submit a number of personal, academic and employment details, including an essay and a video. Please take this into consideration when planning your application and don’t wait till the last minute.

JUPAS candidates applying to the Music Scholarship Scheme must include Bachelor of Arts (JS6054) and / or Bachelor of Arts in Humanities and Digital Technologies (JS6286) as one of their band A programme choices as of end of May 2025, after the deadline for updating programme choices before the release of HKDSE examination results.

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Recent Publications by HKU Music Faculty