MUSI2015 Popular Music
Course Type: disciplinary elective for music majors/minors, free elective for others
Prerequisite: NIL
Instructors: Dr. Jose Vicente NEGLIA
Semester: Second Semester 2024/25
Time: 12:30pm–2:20pm, Friday
Venue: CPD-LG1.22 Rehearsal Room
This course is an introduction to the historical and sociocultural study of popular music. The course will mostly focus on Anglo-American and East Asian popular musics of the second half of the 20th century up to the present. The goal of the course is to develop our analytic and critical tools to better understand popular music and culture in our daily lives, and to familiarize ourselves with the dominant themes and issues in the study of popular music.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
  • demonstrate knowledge of the historical and social factors that influenced the development of various popular music styles;
  • demonstrate knowledge of some of the major exponents of popular music, as well as the principal trends and stylistic characteristics of various genres;
  • appreciate the role of music industries, media, and technological advances, in reception of musical performances;
Mid-Term Test 25%
Final Test 35%
Written Assignments 25%
Tutorial Participation 15%
  • introduction to key styles/genres of popular music
  • introduction to key themes/issues in the study of popular music
  • popular music in the Sinophone
  • history of rock
  • popular music in Japan
  • global hip hop
Selected readings and listening/viewing materials are either available on Moodle or on reserve at the Main Library.